In evaluating my internship, I see so many ways in which working for PeacePlayers International has benefitted me academically, professionally, and personally.
Throughout the summer, I found myself using a number of lessons learned from my Sports and Media classes, but also learned new skills from my supervisor and other PeacePlayers staff, as well as on my own. I was given real responsibility with real consequences if I could not perform, but given the chance to truly help the organization grow if I did well. While my title was Development and Communications Intern, I feel as though my internship encompassed so much more than that in a way that was exciting and not overwhelming. I was trusted to do everything from marketing and public relations to advertising to journalistic work, and more. I developed an ad campaign that boosted PeacePlayers’ social media presence by 35 percent, got newspapers and blogs to write about the organization’s work, and developed a grassroots fundraising campaign that PeacePlayers is currently implementing. It was a fast-pace, learn-on-the-job atmosphere that I know will aid me immensely in my future course work and job positions.
I would highly recommend this internship to any student. I have had other internships, but this was the first time that I actually felt as though I was making a real impact, while not being overworked as an unpaid employee at the same time. The entire staff was sure to teach me as much as they could and make themselves available to me in return for my hard work.
I cannot thank the people of PeacePlayers and the Texas Program in Sports and Media enough for showing me just how impactful the power of sport can be.